Include file


GDALGroup class

class GDALGroup : public GDALIHasAttribute

Class modeling a named container of GDALAttribute, GDALMDArray, OGRLayer or other GDALGroup.

Hence GDALGroup can describe a hierarchy of objects.

This is based on the HDF5 group concept


GDAL 3.1

Subclassed by GDALSubsetGroup

Public Functions

inline const std::string &GetName() const

Return the name of the group.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetName().

inline const std::string &GetFullName() const

Return the full name of the group.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetFullName().

virtual std::vector<std::string> GetMDArrayNames(CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Return the list of multidimensional array names contained in this group.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetMDArrayNames().


Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented, OpenMDArray() should also be implemented.


papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how arrays should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.


the array names.

virtual std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> OpenMDArray(const std::string &osName, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Open and return a multidimensional array.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupOpenMDArray().


Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented, GetMDArrayNames() should also be implemented.

  • osName -- Array name.

  • papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how the array should be opened. Pass nullptr for default behavior.


the array, or nullptr.

virtual std::vector<std::string> GetGroupNames(CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Return the list of sub-groups contained in this group.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetGroupNames().


Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented, OpenGroup() should also be implemented.


papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how groups should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.


the group names.

virtual std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> OpenGroup(const std::string &osName, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Open and return a sub-group.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupOpenGroup().


Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented, GetGroupNames() should also be implemented.

  • osName -- Sub-group name.

  • papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how the sub-group should be opened. Pass nullptr for default behavior.


the group, or nullptr.

virtual std::vector<std::string> GetVectorLayerNames(CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Return the list of layer names contained in this group.

Drivers known to implement it: OpenFileGDB, FileGDB

Other drivers will return an empty list. GDALDataset::GetLayerCount() and GDALDataset::GetLayer() should then be used.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetVectorLayerNames().


GDAL 3.4


Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented, OpenVectorLayer() should also be implemented.


papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how layers should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.


the vector layer names.

virtual OGRLayer *OpenVectorLayer(const std::string &osName, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Open and return a vector layer.

Due to the historical ownership of OGRLayer* by GDALDataset*, the lifetime of the returned OGRLayer* is linked to the one of the owner dataset (contrary to the general design of this class where objects can be used independently of the object that returned them)

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupOpenVectorLayer().


Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented, GetVectorLayerNames() should also be implemented.

  • osName -- Vector layer name.

  • papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how the layer should be opened. Pass nullptr for default behavior.


the group, or nullptr.

virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> GetDimensions(CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Return the list of dimensions contained in this group and used by its arrays.

This is for dimensions that can potentially be used by several arrays. Not all drivers might implement this. To retrieve the dimensions used by a specific array, use GDALMDArray::GetDimensions().

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetDimensions().


papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how groups should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.


the dimensions.

virtual std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> CreateGroup(const std::string &osName, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr)

Create a sub-group within a group.

Optionally implemented by drivers.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupCreateGroup().

  • osName -- Sub-group name.

  • papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how the sub-group should be created.


the new sub-group, or nullptr in case of error.

virtual bool DeleteGroup(const std::string &osName, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr)

Delete a sub-group from a group.

Optionally implemented.

After this call, if a previously obtained instance of the deleted object is still alive, no method other than for freeing it should be invoked.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, Zarr

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupDeleteGroup().


GDAL 3.8

  • osName -- Sub-group name.

  • papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how the group. should be deleted.


true in case of success

virtual std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension> CreateDimension(const std::string &osName, const std::string &osType, const std::string &osDirection, GUInt64 nSize, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr)

Create a dimension within a group.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupCreateDimension().


Driver implementation: drivers supporting CreateDimension() should implement this method, but do not have necessarily to implement GDALGroup::GetDimensions().

  • osName -- Dimension name.

  • osType -- Dimension type (might be empty, and ignored by drivers)

  • osDirection -- Dimension direction (might be empty, and ignored by drivers)

  • nSize -- Number of values indexed by this dimension. Should be > 0.

  • papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how the dimension should be created.


the new dimension, or nullptr if case of error

virtual std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> CreateMDArray(const std::string &osName, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &aoDimensions, const GDALExtendedDataType &oDataType, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr)

Create a multidimensional array within a group.

It is recommended that the GDALDimension objects passed in aoDimensions belong to this group, either by retrieving them with GetDimensions() or creating a new one with CreateDimension().

Optionally implemented.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupCreateMDArray().


Driver implementation: drivers should take into account the possibility that GDALDimension object passed in aoDimensions might belong to a different group / dataset / driver and act accordingly.

  • osName -- Array name.

  • aoDimensions -- List of dimensions, ordered from the slowest varying dimension first to the fastest varying dimension last. Might be empty for a scalar array (if supported by driver)

  • oDataType -- Array data type.

  • papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how the array should be created.


the new array, or nullptr if case of error

virtual bool DeleteMDArray(const std::string &osName, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr)

Delete an array from a group.

Optionally implemented.

After this call, if a previously obtained instance of the deleted object is still alive, no method other than for freeing it should be invoked.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, Zarr

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupDeleteMDArray().


GDAL 3.8

  • osName -- Arrayname.

  • papszOptions -- Driver specific options determining how the array. should be deleted.


true in case of success

GUInt64 GetTotalCopyCost() const

Return a total "cost" to copy the group.

Used as a parameter for CopFrom()

virtual bool CopyFrom(const std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> &poDstRootGroup, GDALDataset *poSrcDS, const std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> &poSrcGroup, bool bStrict, GUInt64 &nCurCost, const GUInt64 nTotalCost, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr)

Copy the content of a group into a new (generally empty) group.

  • poDstRootGroup -- Destination root group. Must NOT be nullptr.

  • poSrcDS -- Source dataset. Might be nullptr (but for correct behavior of some output drivers this is not recommended)

  • poSrcGroup -- Source group. Must NOT be nullptr.

  • bStrict -- Whether to enable stict mode. In strict mode, any error will stop the copy. In relaxed mode, the copy will be attempted to be pursued.

  • nCurCost -- Should be provided as a variable initially set to 0.

  • nTotalCost -- Total cost from GetTotalCopyCost().

  • pfnProgress -- Progress callback, or nullptr.

  • pProgressData -- Progress user data, or nulptr.

  • papszOptions -- Creation options. Currently, only array creation options are supported. They must be prefixed with "ARRAY:" . The scope may be further restricted to arrays of a certain dimension by adding "IF(DIM={ndims}):" after "ARRAY:". For example, "ARRAY:IF(DIM=2):BLOCKSIZE=256,256" will restrict BLOCKSIZE=256,256 to arrays of dimension 2. Restriction to arrays of a given name is done with adding "IF(NAME={name}):" after "ARRAY:". {name} can also be a full qualified name. A non-driver specific ARRAY option, "AUTOSCALE=YES" can be used to ask (non indexing) variables of type Float32 or Float64 to be scaled to UInt16 with scale and offset values being computed from the minimum and maximum of the source array. The integer data type used can be set with AUTOSCALE_DATA_TYPE=Byte/UInt16/Int16/UInt32/Int32.


true in case of success (or partial success if bStrict == false).

virtual CSLConstList GetStructuralInfo() const

Return structural information on the group.

This may be the compression, etc..

The return value should not be freed and is valid until GDALGroup is released or this function called again.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetStructuralInfo().

std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> OpenMDArrayFromFullname(const std::string &osFullName, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Get an array from its fully qualified name.

std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> ResolveMDArray(const std::string &osName, const std::string &osStartingPath, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Locate an array in a group and its subgroups by name.

If osName is a fully qualified name, then OpenMDArrayFromFullname() is first used Otherwise the search will start from the group identified by osStartingPath, and an array whose name is osName will be looked for in this group (if osStartingPath is empty or "/", then the current group is used). If there is no match, then a recursive descendent search will be made in its subgroups. If there is no match in the subgroups, then the parent (if existing) of the group pointed by osStartingPath will be used as the new starting point for the search.


GDAL 3.2

  • osName -- name, qualified or not

  • osStartingPath -- fully qualified name of the (sub-)group from which the search should be started. If this is a non-empty string, the group on which this method is called should nominally be the root group (otherwise the path will be interpreted as from the current group)

  • papszOptions -- options to pass to OpenMDArray()

std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> OpenGroupFromFullname(const std::string &osFullName, CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const

Get a group from its fully qualified name.


GDAL 3.2

std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension> OpenDimensionFromFullname(const std::string &osFullName) const

Get a dimension from its fully qualified name.

virtual void ClearStatistics()

Clear statistics.


GDAL 3.4

virtual bool Rename(const std::string &osNewName)

Rename the group.

This is not implemented by all drivers.

Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF, ZARR.

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupRename().


GDAL 3.8


osNewName -- New name.


true in case of success

std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> SubsetDimensionFromSelection(const std::string &osSelection) const

Return a virtual group whose one dimension has been subset according to a selection.

The selection criterion is currently restricted to the form "/path/to/array=numeric_value" (no spaces around equal)

This is similar to XArray indexing by name and label on a XArray Dataset using the sel() method. Cf

For example on a EMIT L2A product (, this can be used to keep only valid bands with SubsetDimensionFromSelection("/sensor_band_parameters/good_wavelengths=1")

This is the same as the C function GDALGroupSubsetDimensionFromSelection().




osSelection -- Selection criterion.


a virtual group, or nullptr in case of error