Rasterlite - Rasters in SQLite DB
Driver short name
Build dependencies
The Rasterlite driver allows reading and creating Rasterlite databases.
GDAL/OGR must be compiled with OGR SQLite driver support. For read support, linking against spatialite library is not required, but recent enough sqlite3 library is needed to read rasterlite databases. rasterlite library is not required either.
For write support a new table, linking against spatialite library *is* required.
Although the Rasterlite documentation only mentions GIF, PNG, TIFF, JPEG as compression formats for tiles, the driver supports reading and writing internal tiles in any format handled by GDAL. Furthermore, the Rasterlite driver also allow reading and writing as many bands and as many band types as supported by the driver for the internal tiles.
Driver capabilities
Supports CreateCopy()
This driver supports the GDALDriver::CreateCopy()
Supports Georeferencing
This driver supports georeferencing
Supports VirtualIO
This driver supports virtual I/O operations (/vsimem/, etc.)
Connection string syntax in read mode
Syntax: 'rasterlitedb_name' or 'RASTERLITE:rasterlitedb_name[,table=raster_table_prefix][,minx=minx_val,miny=miny_val,maxx=maxx_val,maxy=maxy_val][,level=level_number]
where :
rasterlitedb_name is the filename of the RasterLite DB.
raster_table_prefix is the prefix of the raster table to open. For each raster, there are 2 corresponding SQLite tables, suffixed with _rasters and _metadata
minx_val,miny_val,maxx_val,maxy_val set a user-defined extent (expressed in coordinate system units) for the raster that can be different from the default extent.
level_number is the level of the pyramid/overview to open, 0 being the base pyramid.
Creation issues
The driver can create a new database if necessary, create a new raster table if necessary and copy a source dataset into the specified raster table.
If data already exists in the raster table, the new data will be added. You can use the WIPE=YES creation options to erase existing data.
The driver does not support updating a block in an existing raster table. It can only append new data.
Syntax for the name of the output dataset: 'RASTERLITE:rasterlitedb_name,table=raster_table_prefix' or 'rasterlitedb_name'
It is possible to specify only the DB name as in the later form, but only if the database does not already exists. In that case, the raster table name will be base on the DB name itself.
Creation options
Creation options can be specified in command-line tools using the syntax -co <NAME>=<VALUE>
or by providing the appropriate arguments to GDALCreate()
(C) or Driver.Create
The following creation options are supported:
WIPE=value: Set to YES to erase all preexisting data in the specified table
TILED=value: Set to NO if the source dataset must be written as a single tile in the raster table
BLOCKXSIZE=<int>: Defaults to
. Sets tile width.BLOCKYSIZE=<int>: Defaults to
. Sets tile height.DRIVER=value: Defaults to
. name of the GDAL driver to use for storing tiles.COMPRESS=[LZW/JPEG/DEFLATE/...]: (GTiff driver) name of the compression method
PHOTOMETRIC=[RGB/YCbCr/...]: (GTiff driver) photometric interpretation
QUALITY=[1-100]: Defaults to
. (JPEG-compressed GTiff, JPEG and WEBP drivers) JPEG/WEBP quality.
Configuration options
Configuration options can be specified in command-line tools using the syntax --config <NAME>=<VALUE>
or using functions such as CPLSetConfigOption()
(C) or gdal.config_options
The following configuration option is supported:
RASTERLITE_OVR_OPTIONS=value: Comma-separated list of creation options to be applied to overviews. See Overviews.
The driver supports building (if the dataset is opened in update mode) and reading internal overviews.
If no internal overview is detected, the driver will try using external overviews (.ovr files).
Options can be used for internal overviews
building. They can be specified with the RASTERLITE_OVR_OPTIONS
configuration option, as a comma separated list of the above creation
options. See below examples.
All resampling methods supported by GDAL overviews are available.
Performance hints
Some of the performance hints of the OGR SQLite driver apply. In particular setting the OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS configuration option to OFF when creating a dataset or adding overviews might increase performance on some filesystems.
After having added all the raster tables and building all the needed overview levels, it is advised to run :
ogrinfo rasterlitedb.sqlite -sql "VACUUM"
in order to optimize the database, and increase read performances afterwards. This is particularly true with big rasterlite datasets. Note that the operation might take a long time.
Accessing a rasterlite DB with a single raster table :
$ gdalinfo rasterlitedb.sqlite -noct
Driver: Rasterlite/Rasterlite Files: rasterlitedb.sqlite Size is 7200, 7200 Coordinate System is: GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] Origin = (-5.000000000000000,55.000000000000000) Pixel Size = (0.002083333333333,-0.002083333333333) Metadata: TILE_FORMAT=GIF Image Structure Metadata: INTERLEAVE=PIXEL Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( -5.0000000, 55.0000000) ( 5d 0'0.00"W, 55d 0'0.00"N) Lower Left ( -5.0000000, 40.0000000) ( 5d 0'0.00"W, 40d 0'0.00"N) Upper Right ( 10.0000000, 55.0000000) ( 10d 0'0.00"E, 55d 0'0.00"N) Lower Right ( 10.0000000, 40.0000000) ( 10d 0'0.00"E, 40d 0'0.00"N) Center ( 2.5000000, 47.5000000) ( 2d30'0.00"E, 47d30'0.00"N) Band 1 Block=480x480 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette Color Table (RGB with 256 entries)
Listing a multi-raster table DB :
$ gdalinfo multirasterdb.sqlite
Driver: Rasterlite/Rasterlite Files: Size is 512, 512 Coordinate System is `' Subdatasets: SUBDATASET_1_NAME=RASTERLITE:multirasterdb.sqlite,table=raster1 SUBDATASET_1_DESC=RASTERLITE:multirasterdb.sqlite,table=raster1 SUBDATASET_2_NAME=RASTERLITE:multirasterdb.sqlite,table=raster2 SUBDATASET_2_DESC=RASTERLITE:multirasterdb.sqlite,table=raster2 Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 0.0, 0.0) Lower Left ( 0.0, 512.0) Upper Right ( 512.0, 0.0) Lower Right ( 512.0, 512.0) Center ( 256.0, 256.0)
Accessing a raster table within a multi-raster table DB:
$ gdalinfo RASTERLITE:multirasterdb.sqlite,table=raster1
Creating a new rasterlite DB with data encoded in JPEG tiles :
$ gdal_translate -of Rasterlite source.tif RASTERLITE:my_db.sqlite,table=source -co DRIVER=JPEG
Creating internal overviews :
$ gdaladdo RASTERLITE:my_db.sqlite,table=source 2 4 8 16
Cleaning internal overviews :
$ gdaladdo -clean RASTERLITE:my_db.sqlite,table=source
Creating external overviews in a .ovr file:
$ gdaladdo -ro RASTERLITE:my_db.sqlite,table=source 2 4 8 16
Creating internal overviews with options (GDAL 1.10 or later):
$ gdaladdo RASTERLITE:my_db.sqlite,table=source 2 4 8 16 --config RASTERLITE_OVR_OPTIONS DRIVER=GTiff,COMPRESS=JPEG,PHOTOMETRIC=YCbCr