"INTERLIS 1" and "INTERLIS 2" drivers

Driver short name


Driver short name


Build dependencies


OGR has support for INTERLIS reading and writing.
INTERLIS is a standard which has been especially composed in order to fulfill the requirements of modeling and the integration of geodata into contemporary and future geographic information systems. With the usage of unified, documented geodata and the flexible exchange possibilities the following advantage may occur:
  • the standardized documentation

  • the compatible data exchange

  • the comprehensive integration of geodata e.g. from different data owners.

  • the quality proofing

  • the long term data storage

  • the contract-proof security and the availability of the software

OGR supports INTERLIS 1 and INTERLIS 2 (2.2 and 2.3) with the following limitations:

  • Curves in Interlis 1 area polygons are converted to line segments

  • Interlis 1 Surface geometries with non-numeric IDENT field are not included in the attribute layer

  • Embedded INTERLIS 2 structures and line attributes are not supported

  • Incremental transfer is not supported

  • Transfer id (TID) is used as feature id

Driver capabilities

Supports Create()

This driver supports the GDALDriver::Create() operation

Supports Georeferencing

This driver supports georeferencing

Supports VirtualIO

This driver supports virtual I/O operations (/vsimem/, etc.)

Model support

Data is read and written into transfer files which have different formats in INTERLIS 1 (.itf) and INTERLIS 2 (.xtf). Models are passed in IlisMeta format by using "a_filename.xtf,models.imd" as a connection string.

IlisMeta files can be be generated with the ili2c compiler. Command line example:

java -jar ili2c.jar --ilidirs '%ILI_DIR;http://models.interlis.ch/;%JAR_DIR' -oIMD --out models.imd model1.ili [model2.ili ...]

Some possible transformations using ogr2ogr.

  • Interlis 1 -> Shape:

    ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" shpdir ili-bsp.itf,Beispiel.imd
  • Interlis 2 -> Shape:

    ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" shpdir RoadsExdm2ien.xml,RoadsExdm2ien.imd

    or without model:

    ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" shpdir RoadsExdm2ien.xml

    Example with curves and multiple geometries:

    ogr2ogr --config OGR_STROKE_CURVE TRUE -SQL 'SELECT Rechtsstatus,publiziertAb,MetadatenGeobasisdaten,Eigentumsbeschraenkung,ZustaendigeStelle,Flaeche FROM "OeREBKRM09trsfr.Transferstruktur.Geometrie"' shpdir ch.bazl.sicherheitszonenplan.oereb_20131118.xtf,OeREBKRM09vs.imd OeREBKRM09trsfr.Transferstruktur.Geometrie
  • Shape -> Interlis 2:

    ogr2ogr -f "Interlis 2" LandCover.xml,RoadsExdm2ien.imd RoadsExdm2ben.Roads.LandCover.shp
  • Importing multiple Interlis 1 files into PostGIS:

    ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:dbname=warmerda av_fixpunkte_ohne_LFPNachfuehrung.itf,av.imd -lco OVERWRITE=yes
    ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:dbname=warmerda av_fixpunkte_mit_LFPNachfuehrung.itf,av.imd -append

Arc interpolation

Converting INTERLIS arc geometries to line segments can be forced by setting the configuration variable OGR_STROKE_CURVE to TRUE.
The approximation of arcs as linestrings is done by splitting the arcs into subarcs of no more than a threshold angle. This angle is the OGR_ARC_STEPSIZE. This defaults to one degree, but may be overridden by setting the configuration variable OGR_ARC_STEPSIZE.

Other Notes